Does Your Business Serve Homeowners?

It’s almost free to grow your business with JOINHOMES!

Simply join for only $99/yr*, Plus offer our Members a Group Discount

We organize homeowners into groups who are planning to improve or buy the same things. Then match them with trustworthy local businesses that offer group discounts.

Homeowners save money.  You’ll grow your business faster.  Everybody wins!

Then provide us with a Group Discount that we can promote to our members.

*We also charge a small per project acquisition fee. (See below)

Plus, You’ll Close All Your Deals with this Tool…

You’ll be a Home Improvement Hero with our Project Portals!

Homeowners Love

Good Communication & Project Transparency

Project Portals are a project management and communication tool that give your customers what they want. 

You can upload, organize, and keep track of:

  • Project Scope, Timeline & Milestones
  • Agreements, Receipts & Permits
  • Documents & Reports
  • Before, during, and after photos
  • Discussions between Homeowner and Contractors
  • Plus any custom content that you want to add into your portals

Happy Homeowners = More Referrals!

*Ask how you can get a Project Portal for all of your projects, not just for the customers we send you.

We charge a small per project acquisition fee of:

  • $27 – for Projects up to $500
  • $47 – for Projects from $501-$1499
  • $97 – for Projects $1500+